I am Kate. A dog momma, daughter, sister, aunt and loving girlfriend. I am a chaser of light, a moment protector and an imagery artist. I love Harry Potter, country drives and a tall glass of sangria - red please! Read More...
Courtney and Joey’s day was absolutely beautiful. It was the beginning of the gorgeous fall days, the sun was shining but the temps were mild and Courtney and Joey were absolutely ecstatic to just be throwing one heck of a party! They told me from day one that the most important thing for them throughout […]
Christa and Jordan’s wedding day was absolutely gorgeous. These two are so in love and it was truly such an honor to capture their day! Both of their families were so welcoming and just so happy to be surrounding Christa and Jordan. The sun shined so beautiful as both the girls and the guys finished […]
I went to high school with Aaron and I always remember him being funny, kind and friendly to everyone! I was so excited when he reached out and asked me to photograph his wedding! His fiancé, Jaclyn was busy in Nurse Practitioner school when they got engaged so Aaron was helping with the wedding planning. […]